Behavioral Eco-Physiology X Environmental Stress
* (asterisk) highlights undergraduate and postgraduate students at time of project completion
Book Chapters 1. Esbaugh AJ, *Khursigara AJ, Johansen JL (2018) Toxicity in Aquatic Environments: The Cocktail Effect. In "Development and Environment" (editor Burggren W), Springer Publishers. p 203-234. International refereed papers 60. Johansen, J.L., Mitchell, M.D., Vaughan, G.O. et al. (2024) Impacts of ocean warming on fish size reductions on the world’s hottest coral reefs, Nature Communications 15, 5457. 59. Andre P. Seale, Ke Cao, Ryan J. A. Chang, Tyler R. Goodearly, G. H. T. Malintha, Reilly S. Merlo, Taylor L. Peterson, Jasmine R. Reighard (2024) Salinity Tolerance of Fishes: Experimental Approaches and Implications for Aquaculture Production, Reviews in Aquaculture, 58. Nadler LE, McCormick MI, Johansen JL, Domenici P (2021) Social familiarity improves fast-start escape performance in schooling fish. Communications Biology 4 (1), 1-10 57. Brijs J, Føre M, Gräns A, Clark TD, Axelsson M, Johansen JL (2021) Bio-sensing technologies in aquaculture: how remote monitoring can bring us closer to our farm animals. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B 376 (1830), 20200218 56. *Khursigara AJ, *Rowsey LE, Johansen JL, Esbaugh AJ (2021) Behavioral changes in a coastal marine fish lead to increased predation risk following oil exposure. Environ. Sci. Technol. 55(12), 8119–8127 55. *Nay T, Hoey AS, Rummer JL, Steffensen JF, Johansen JL (2021) Species interactions alter the selection of thermal environment in a coral reef fish. Oecologia, 1-9. 54. *Nay TJ, Longbottom RJ, *Gervais CR, Johansen JL, Steffensen JF, Rummer JL, Hoey AS (2021) Regulate or tolerate: Thermal strategy of a coral reef flat resident, the epaulette shark, Hemiscyllium ocellatum. Journal of Fish Biology 98 (3), 723-732 53. *Schakmann M, *Becker V, *Soegaard M, Johansen JL, Steffensen JF, Domenici P (2021) Latency of mechanically stimulated escape responses in the Pacific spiny dogfish, Squalus suckleyi. J Exp Biol 224(3), jeb230698 52. Johansen JL, Nadler LE, *Habary A, *Bowden AJ, Rummer JL (2021) Thermal acclimation of tropical fishes to marine heat waves. eLife 10, e59162. 51. *Khursigara AJ, Johansen JL, Esbaugh AJ (2021) The effects of acute crude oil exposure on growth and competition in the red drum, Sciaenops ocellatus. Science of the Total Environment 751, 141804. doi: 50. Johansen JL, Akanyeti O, Liao JC (2020) Oxygen consumption of drift-feeding rainbow trout: the energetic tradeoff between locomotion and feeding in flow. J Exp Biol, 49. Johansen JL†, Brandl SJ†, Casey, JM, Tornabene L, Morais RA, Burt JA (2020). Extreme environmental conditions reduce coral reef fish biodiversity and productivity. Nature Communications 11(1), 1-14 † indicates shared first authorship 48. Burt JA, Camp EF, Enochs IC, Johansen JL, Morgan MS, Riegl B, Hoey AS (2020) Insights from extreme coral reefs in a changing world. Coral Reefs, 47. *Nay TJ, Johansen JL, Rummer JL, Steffensen JF, Pratchett MS, Hoey AS (2020) Habitat complexity influences selection of thermal environment in a common coral reef fish, Conservation Physiology, Volume 8, Issue 1, coaa070, 46. *Luongo SM, *Ruth A, *Gervais CR, Korsmeyer KE, Johansen JL, Domenici P, Steffensen JF (2020) Bidirectional cyclical flows increase energetic costs of station holding for a labriform swimming fish, Cymatogaster aggregata, Conservation Physiology, Volume 8, Issue 1, 2020, coaa077, doi: 45. McHenry MJ, Johansn JL, *Soto AP, *Free BA, *Paley DA, Liao JC (2019) The pursuit strategy of predatory bluefish (Pomatomus saltatrix). Proceedings of the Royal Society B 286, doi: 44. *Rowsey LE, Johansen JL, *Khursigara AJ, Esbaugh AJ (2019) Oil exposure impairs predator-prey dynamics in larval red drum (Sciaenops ocellatus). Marine and Freshwater Research Special Edition (70th anniversary), doi: 43. Svendsen MBS, Johansen JL, Bushnell PG, Skov PV, Norin T, Domenici P, Steffensen JF, Abe A (2019) Are all bony fishes oxygen regulators? Evidence for oxygen regulation in a putative oxygen conformer, the swamp eel Synbranchus marmoratus. Journal of Fish Biology 94, 178-182, doi: 42. Johansen JL, Esbaugh AJ (2019) Oil-induced responses of cardiac and red muscle mitochondria in red drum (Sciaenops ocellatus). Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part C, 219, 35-41, doi: 41. *Khursigara AJ, Johansen JL, Esbaugh AJ (2018) Social competition in red drum (Sciaenops ocellatus) is influenced by crude oil exposure. Aquatic Toxicology 203, 194-201, doi: 40. *Nay TJ, *Gervais CR, Hoey AS, Johansen JL, Steffensen JF, Rummer JL (2018) The emergence emergency: A mudskipper's response to temperatures. Journal of Thermal Biology 78, 65-72, doi: 39. * Gervais CR, *Nay TJ, Renshaw G, Johansen JL, Steffensen JF, Rummer JL (2018) To hot to handle? Using movement to alleviate effects of elevated temperatures in a benthic elasmobranch, Hemiscyllium ocellatum. Marine Biology 165 (11), doi: 38. *Christensen EAF, *Illing B, *Iversen NS, Johansen JL, Domenici P, Steffensen JF (2018) Effects of salinity on swimming performance and oxygen consumption rate of shiner perch Cymatogaster aggregata. J Exp Biol 504, 32-37, doi: 10.1016/j.jembe.2018.04.002 37. *Pan YK, *Khursigara AJ, Johansen JL, Esbaugh AJ (2018) The effects of oil induced respiratory impairment on two indices of hypoxia tolerance in Atlantic croaker (Micropogonias undulatus). Chemosphere 200, 143-150, doi: 10.1016/j.chemosphere.2018.02.028 36. *van der Hoop JM, *Byron M, *Ozolina K, Johansen JL, Domenici P, Steffensen JF (2018) Turbulent flow reduces oxygen consumption in the labriform swimming shiner perch, Cymatogaster aggregata. J Exp Biol 221 (11), doi: 10.1242/jeb.168773 35. He S, Johansen JL, Hoey AS, Pappas MK, Berumen ML (2017) Molecular confirmation of hybridization between Dascyllus reticulatus X Dascyllus aruanus from the Great Barrier Reef. Marine Biodiversity 49, 395-404, doi: 34. Johansen JL, Allan BJM, Rummer JL, Esbaugh AJ (2017) Oil exposure disrupts early life-history stages of coral reef fishes, Nature Ecology and Evolution 1, 1146-1152, doi: 10.1038/s41559-017-0232-5 33. Ern R, Johansen JL, Rummer JL, Esbaugh AJ (2017) Effects of hypoxia and ocean acidification on the upper thermal niche boundaries of coral reef fishes. Biology Letters 13(7), 20170135. doi: 10.1098/rsbl.2017.0135 32. Stewart WJ, Johansen JL, Liao JC (2017) A non-toxic dose of Cobalt Chloride blocks hair cells of the zebrafish lateral line. Hearing Research 350, 17-21 31. Johansen JL, Esbaugh AJ (2017) Sustained impairment of respiratory function and swim performance following acute oil exposure in a coastal marine fish. Aquatic Toxicology 187, 82-89 30. *Shi X, *Moller JS, *Hojgaard J, Johansen JL, Steffensen JF, Liu D, Domenici P (2017) The angular position of a refuge affects escape responses in staghorn sculpin (Leptocottus armatus). Journal of Fish Biology 90(6), 2434-2442. Doi: 10.111/jfb.13306 29. Johansen JL, He S, Frank G, Pappas MK, Berumen ML, Hoey AS (2017) Hybridization between the benthic nesting and pair spawning damselfishes Dascyllus aruanus and D. reticulatus. Coral Reefs 1-1. Doi: 10.1007/s00338-017-1563-z 28. *Mazloumi N, Johansen JL, Doubleday Z, Gillanders BW (2017) Q10 measures of metabolic performance and critical swimming speed in a temperate fish (King George whiting, Sillaginodes punctatus). Journal of Fish Biology 90(5), 2200-2205 27. *Harbary A, Johansen JL, *Nay TJ, Steffensen JF, Rummer JL. (2017). Adapt, move, or die – how will tropical coral reef fishes cope with ocean warming? Global Change Biology 23(2), 566-577. Doi: 10.1111/gcb.13488 26. Hoey AS, Howells E, Johansen JL, Hobbs JPA, Messmer V, McCowan DM, Wilson SK, Pratchett MS (2016) Recent advances in understanding the effects of climate change on coral reefs. Diversity 8(12). Doi: 10.3390/d8020012 25. Brooker RM, Feeney WE, White JR, Manassa RP, Johansen JL, Dixson DL (2016) Using insights from animal behaviour and behavioural ecology to inform marine conservation initiatives. Animal Behavior 120, 211-221, doi: 10.1016/j.anbehav.2016.03.012 24. Rummer JL, Binning SA, Roche, DG, Johansen JL (2016) Methods matter: Considering technique when estimating metabolic rates of fishes. Conservation Physiology 4, doi: 10.1093/consphys/cow008 23. *Snyder S, *Nadler LE, *Bayley JS, *Svendsen MBS, Johansen JL, Domenici P, Steffensen JF (2016) Effect of closed v. intermittent-flow respirometry on hypoxia tolerance in the shiner perch Cymatogaster aggregata. Journal of Fish Biology 88, 252-264 22. Johansen JL, Pratchett MS, Messmer V, Coker DJ, Tobin AJ, Hoey AS (2015) Large predatory coral trout species unlikely to meet increasing energetic demands in a warming ocean. Scientific Reports 5, 13830, IF: 5.6. 21. Johansen JL, Steffensen JF, Jones GP (2015) Winter temperatures decrease swimming performance and limit distributions of tropical damselfishes. Conservation Physiology 3, cov039 doi: 10.1093/conphys/cov039 20. Ferrari MCO, McCormick MI, Allen BJM, Choi R, Ramasamy RA, Johansen JL, Mitchell MD, Chivers DP (2015) Living in a risky world: the onset and ontogeny of an integrated antipredator phenotype in a coral reef fish. Scientific Reports 5, 15537, IF: 5.6 19. *Nay TJ, Johansen JL, *Habary A, Steffensen JF, Rummer JL (2015). Behavioural thermoregulation in a temperature-sensitive coral reef fish. Coral Reefs, doi: 10.1007/s00338- 015-1353-4, IF: 3.7 18. Domenici P, Norin T, Bushnell PG, Johansen JL, Skov PV, Steffensen JF (2015). Fast-starting for a breath: Air breathing in Hoplosternum littorale. Biology Open, doi:10.1242/bio.20149332 17. Johansen JL, Messmer V, Coker DJ, Hoey A, Pratchett M (2014) Increasing ocean temperatures reduce activity patterns of a large commercially important coral reef fish. Global Change Biology 20, 1067-1074, IF: 8.4 16. Johansen JL (2014) Quantifying water flow within aquatic ecosystems using load cell sensors: A profile of currents experienced by coral reef organisms around Lizard Island, Great Barrier Reef, Australia. PloS One, 9(1), e83240, IF: 3.7. 15. *Roche DG, *Taylor MK, *Binning SA, Johansen JL, Steffensen JF, Domenici P (2014). Unsteady flow affects swimming energetics in a labriform fish (C. aggregata). J Exp Biol 217, 414-422 14. *Lucon-Xiccato T, *Nati JJH, *Blasco FR, Johansen JL, Steffensen JF, Domenici P (2014). Severe hypoxia impairs lateralization in a marine teleost fish. J Exp Biol 217, 4115-4118, IF: 2.9 13. Johansen JL and Jones GP (2013) Sediment induced turbidity impairs foraging performance and prey choice in planktivorous coral reef fishes. Ecological Applications 23(6), 1504, IF: 4.3 12. Roche DG, Binning SA, Bosiger Y, Johansen JL, Rummer JL (2013) Finding the best estimates of metabolic rates in a coral reef fish. J Exp Biol doi: 10.1242/jeb.082925, IF: 3.0 11. Fulton CJ, Johansen JL, Steffensen JF (2013) Energetic extremes in coral reef fishes. PLoS One 8(1), e54033, IF: 4.4 10. *Wenger AS, Johansen JL, McCormick M, Jones GP (2012) Increasing suspended sediment reduces foraging, growth and condition of a planktivorous damselfish. JEMBE 428, 43-48, IF: 2.3 9. Johansen JL, Jones GP (2011) Increasing ocean temperature reduces the metabolic performance and swimming ability of coral reef fishes. Global Change Biology 17(9), 2971-2979. IF: 8.0 → Nature Climate Change hotspot feature 1, 183, doi:10.1038/nclimate1163. 8. *Wenger AS, Johansen JL, Jones GP (2011) Suspended sediment impairs habitat choice and olfactory discrimination in two coral reef fishes. Coral Reefs 30(4), 879-887, IF: 3.7 7. Johansen JL, Vaknin R, Domenici P, Steffensen JF (2010) Energetic and Kinematic benefits of schooling in Labriform fishes. Marine Ecology Progress Series 420, 221-229, IF: 2.5 6. Johansen JL, Bellwood DR, Fulton CJ (2008) Coral reef fishes exploit flow refuges in high-flow habitats. Marine Ecology Progress Series 360, 219-226, IF: 3.7 5. Johansen JL, Fulton CJ, Bellwood DR (2007) Avoiding the flow: refuges expand the swimming potential of coral reef fishes. Coral Reefs 26(3), 577-583. Impact: Virginia Chadwick award for Excellence in Scientific publishing, IF 3.7 4. Johansen JL, Fulton CJ, Bellwood DR (2007) Estimating the sustained swimming ability of coral reef fishes. Marine and Freshwater Research 58(3), 233-239. Front cover paper 3. Johansen JL, Herbert NA, Steffensen JF (2006) The behavioural and physiological response of Atlantic cod Gadus morhua L. to short-term acute hypoxia. Journal of Fish Biology 68, 1918 Government management reports / Biodiversity surveys 2. Hoey AS, Pratchett MS, Johansen JL, Hoey J (2014) Marine ecological survey of Elizabth and Middleton reefs, Lord Howe Commonwealth Marine Reserve, The Department of the Environment, Australian Government. 1. Woodcock SH, Johansen JL, Steer MA, Gaylard SG, Prowse TAA, Gillanders BM (2014). Regional Sustainability Planning in the Upper Spencer Gulf Investigating potential impacts of shipping on Giant Australian cuttlefish. The Department of the Environment, Australian Government. |